ERA 233-31TP BS8621 Euro Mortice Deadlock Keyless Egress 64mm Keyed Alike Polished Brass


  • Conforms to the BS 8621:2007 (BS 3621:2007 for escape locks). Meets the demands of insurance companies and the Police
  • Supplied with Euro Cylinder with thumbturn on the inside of the door. Enables easy exit in emergencies.
  • 20mm bolt throw for additional strength and security
  • Designed with hardened steel plates to resist drilling and four hardened steel rollers in the deadbolt to resist hacksawing
  • Bolt through heavy duty security roses protect the cylinder
  • 64mm case
  • Flat Sale 5% off, use code FLAT5UK, Limited time Offer

    100 in stock

    SKU: 233-31TP Category:
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